First Step to doing business with ADOT
Can other businesses find you? Your first step is to register your firm on AZ UTRACS.
Call us: 602.712.8000 | Email: AZUTRACS-Support@azdot.gov
AZ UTRACS makes it easy to find qualified firms to bid on our projects all over Arizona—especially where we need certified DBE contractors to meet our federal requirements.
– ADOT's Prime Contractors and Consultants
AZ UTRACS Transportation Business Portal provides different resources for different types of firms. The Tabs above organize available content differently for each group, to ensure easy accessibility. Choose the appropriate tab that best represents your firm or group.
ALL firms interested in performing work on federally funded transportation projects in Arizona must create an AZ UTRACS registration. Small Businesses can answer a few additional questions and become registered as a Small Business Concern (SBC) in the same registration process.
Minority and women-owned firms who meet the requirements in 49 CFR Part 26 may apply for and update their DBE Certification. ADOT's Unified Certification Program (UCP) ensures that firms certified by one certifying agency are DBE certified for all work performed on transportation projects in Arizona.
This comprehensive business directory containing Primes, DBEs, ACDBEs, SBCs and other subcontractors give firms the ability to search and find business partners for their work on federally funded projects. The directory includes a detailed firm profile that highlights the firm's capabilities and geographic locations in which each firm is willing to work.
All firms that work on federally funded contracts must report and confirm payments made or received monthly in order to meet federal requirements. Firms awarded Construction Contracts must also report weekly Certified Payrolls.