First Step to doing business with ADOT
Can other businesses find you? Your first step is to register your firm on AZ UTRACS.
Call us: 602.712.8000 | Email: AZUTRACS-Support@azdot.gov
AZ UTRACS makes it easy to find qualified firms to bid on our projects all over Arizona—especially where we need certified DBE contractors to meet our federal requirements.
– ADOT's Prime Contractors and Consultants
AZ UTRACS Transportation Business Portal provides different resources for different types of firms. The Tabs above organize available content differently for each group, to ensure easy accessibility. Choose the appropriate tab that best represents your firm or group.
Minority and women-owned firms who meet the qualifications in 49 CFR Part 26 may apply for DBE Certification. DBE Certifications do not expire, but DBE firms must submit a "Declaration of Eligibility (DOE)" update every year to maintain an active DBE certification.
ADOT will automatically creates an AZ UTRACS registration for a firm that is approved for DBE certification. A newly certified DBE firm is also automatically registered as a Small Business Concern (SBC) when they become DBE certified. However, a potential DBE firm that has not yet been certified may complete an AZ UTRACS and Small Business registration before DBE certification is complete, if they choose to do so.
Using the Checklist at the right, DBE firms are encouraged to review and update their AZ UTRACS Firm Directory profile every year, to ensure it accurately reflects the DBE firm’s capabilities and accurately shows the work that can be performed for DBE credit.
DBEs must also submit DBE Annual Updates every year to maintain their DBE certification. Annual DOE will be due on the same date as in your Jurisdiction of Original Certification (JOC), which is generally the state where your firm is located and was first DBE certified.
Minority and women-owned firms who meet the qualifications in 49 CFR Part 23 may apply for ACDBE Certification. ACDBE Certifications do not expire, but ACDBE firms must submit a "Declaration of Eligibility (DOE)" update every year to maintain an active ACDBE certification.
ADOT will automatically create an AZ UTRACS registration for a firm that is approved for ACDBE certification. A newly certified ACDBE firm is also automatically registered as a Small Business Concern (SBC) when they become ACDBE certified. However, a potential ACDBE firm that has not yet been certified may complete an AZ UTRACS and Small Business registration before ACDBE certification is complete, if they choose to do so.
Using the Checklist at the right, ACDBE firms are encouraged to review and update their AZ UTRACS Firm Directory profile every year, to ensure it accurately reflects the ACDBE firm’s capabilities and accurately shows the work that can be performed for ACDBE credit.
ACDBEs must also submit ACDBE Annual Updates every year to the City of Phoenix maintain their ACDBE certification. Annual DOE will be due on the same date as in your Jurisdiction of Original Certification (JOC), which is generally the state where your firm is located and was first ACDBE certified. Contact the City of Phoenix for more information.
Small business inclusion is an important component of the Federal DBE Program. By being registered as a Small Business Concern (SBC) can receive many of the same business resources, services and networking opportunities as DBEs. Additionally, ADOT and its subrecipients, encourage prime contractors to provide subcontracting opportunities to SBCs.
Small Businesses that meet the Small Business Administration size standard may register as a Small Business Concern, by answering a few extra questions at the end of completing their AZ UTRACS Registration. The Small Business Concern registration is good for three years and the registration is extended each time a firm updates their AZ UTRACs registration.
Subcontractors of all types play a vital role in successfully completing Arizona’s transportation projects. Make sure your firm has a valid AZ UTRACS Registration in order to work on federally-funded ADOT and subrecipient agency contracts. When completing your AZ UTRACS registration, carefully select work categories that reflect your firm capabilities. When your AZ UTRACS registration is complete, review your Firm Directory Profile to ensure it reflects all of your firm’s capabilities and accurately reflects where your firm is willing to work.
Prime Contractors and Prime Consultants are the driving force for completing Arizona Transportation Projects. The AZ UTRACS Transportation Business Portal helps Primes to find firms to partner with to complete projects helps you stay compliant as you execute the work for contracts your firm is awarded.
The task list to the right highlights the many resources available to your firm on the AZ UTRACS Transportation Web Portal.
AZ UTRACS Registration is a requirement to do work on federally-funded ADOT and local public agency contracts and must be updated at least once every 3 years. Your firm’s profile helps DBEs, SBCs, and other subcontractors find your firm, so they may submit bids to partner with your firm to work on transportation contracts.
New Feature: Completing the online Bidders/Proposers List form through AZ UTRACS helps your firm meet an important contract requirement to submit a list of every firm who submitted a bid or reached out to your firm regarding work you are trying to win on a specific ADOT project. The online form is automatically submitted to ADOT to satisfy the Bidder’s/Proposers list form previously submitted on paper.
Required Contract Compliance tasks such as monthly reporting of payments to DBEs , SBCs, and other subcontractors, as well as the weekly reporting of Certified Payroll for Construction projects may all be completed on the AZ UTRACS Transportation web portal.
Specialized searches make it easy for you to find DBEs, ACDBEs, SBCs, and other subs who may be able to help you complete your projects for ADOT and its subrecipients. Your firm can also find information on DBE networking events, which helps you find DBEs and meet your Good Faith Effort to find DBEs.
ADOT employees and contractors that monitor DBE and Labor compliance requirements , including contract awards, monthly payment reporting, prompt pay monitoring, DBE goal attainment, and certified payroll, can find quick Access to ADOT’s DBE System and Certified Payroll System utilizing the Checklist at the right.
ADOT Employees and contractors can also benefit from using the Firm Directory and quick search options to the right to search for DBEs, SBCs or AZ UTRACS registered firms.
Local Public Agency personnel who monitor DBE and Labor compliance requirements, including contract awards, monthly payment reporting, prompt pay monitoring, DBE goal attainment, and certified payroll, can find quick Access to ADOT’s DBE System and Certified Payroll System utilizing the Checklist at the right.
Local Public Agency personnel may also benefit from using the Firm Directory and quick search options to find the right firm to search for DBEs, SBCs or AZ UTRACS registered firms.
ALL firms interested in performing work on federally funded transportation projects in Arizona must create an AZ UTRACS registration. Small Businesses can answer a few additional questions and become registered as a Small Business Concern (SBC) in the same registration process.
Minority and women-owned firms who meet the requirements in 49 CFR Part 26 may apply for and update their DBE Certification. ADOT's Unified Certification Program (UCP) ensures that firms certified by one certifying agency are DBE certified for all work performed on transportation projects in Arizona.
This comprehensive business directory containing Primes, DBEs, ACDBEs, SBCs and other subcontractors give firms the ability to search and find business partners for their work on federally funded projects. The directory includes a detailed firm profile that highlights the firm's capabilities and geographic locations in which each firm is willing to work.
All firms that work on federally funded contracts must report and confirm payments made or received monthly in order to meet federal requirements. Firms awarded Construction Contracts must also report weekly Certified Payrolls.